A Request

It was late June and I wondered what the answer would be. I scanned back and forth between browser tabs as I narrowed the short list. I kept glancing at the monitor and decided all I can do is ask.


The REACH™ Mentoring Program was about to kick-off and I wanted to lock-in who the Guest Speaker was going to be for the Fall.


I submitted my query and waited.


As I clicked open that email reply, I probably held my breath just a bit because she was my first choice. To my delight, the answer was yes!


She has appeared on Oprah. She is the author of The Kindness Effect. Her custom designs have been featured on the cover of O, The Oprah Magazine, Good Morning America, The Today Show and E! News.


Who am I talking about? Jill Donovan!


There are two simple but strong words that describe Jill Donovan perfectly, “passionate” and “purposeful.” She is both founder of Rustic Cuff and author of The Kindness Effect. Jill is married to Terry, her college sweetheart, and has two beautiful daughters.


Jill went on to earn her law degree from the University of Tulsa. She was a practicing attorney and adjunct law professor at TU when her passion for cuff bracelets, and her need to refill her ‘gift closet’ led her to begin Rustic Cuff. Now a sought-after motivational speaker, Jill encourages people to pursue their passions, fulfill their God-given purpose, and always pay it forward!


One of the reasons I was so excited Jill accepted the invitation was her focus on a reciprocity concept. REACH™ was born out of a desire to give-back to my clients and for us collectively to pour into (pay-it-forward) to the next generation.


I might have missed out on this opportunity if I gave into a thought-process that said, “She couldn’t possibly give time to my little business or program.” Negative thinking is ready to sabotage so many things in our lives. Annoyingly, it creeps in completely uninvited, and is so subtle we hardly recognize that it’s an outside voice, not something that is internal to our way of thinking.


Do you have a big idea or thought that you are trying to step towards?

Perhaps you want to apply to one of the FAANG companies and think they wouldn’t want a candidate like you?

Maybe you’ve been toying with the idea of starting your own business, but constantly crush it with a host of negative reasons?

Possibly you’re trying to consider yet another career change and think no one will want someone who switches so often?

Whatever you have been thinking about, try flipping the “what if” to a positive outcome and then just try. The answer could be no, but what if it is yes!

Michelle Rademacher